

课程名称 中文:不确定性系统分析
英文:Uncertainty Quantification & Analysis in Systems Modeling and Simulation
课程代码 100.578 授课语言 英语
上课日期 2011.11.23---2011.12.1 上课地点 先进制造大楼东楼A304
具体时间 教学内容 授课教师 学时
11.23,8-10am Introduction to Modeling & Simulation Yan Wang 2
11.23,10-12am    11.24,8-10am Probability Theory and Interpretations  Yan Wang 4
11.24,10-12am    11.25,8-11am Markov Models Yan Wang 4
11.25,10-12am    11.28,8-12am Generalizations of Markov Models  Yan Wang 4
11.28,10-12am    11.29,8-12am Theories of Interval Probability  Yan Wang 6
11.29,2-6pm      11.30,8-10am Interval Analysis and Generalized Interval, project proposal Yan Wang 6
11.30,10-12am    12.1,8-10am Generalized Interval Probability Yan Wang 4
12.1,10-12am Applications in Control, Information Modeling, Data Fusion Yan Wang 2
待定 Project Presentation 4
100.578 – Uncertainty Quantification & Analysis in Systems Modeling and Simulation
Fall 2011
Faculty Prof. Yan Wang Office: yyyy
Phone: xxxx E-mail: yan.wang@me.gatech.edu
Catalog Description  
Objectives ·    To understand the sources and nature of uncertainty in systems modeling and simulation
·    To understand the role of probability theory in uncertainty quantification
·    To familiarize with the non-traditional probability theories and their applications in engineering applications
Texts ·     None
References ·     Handouts in class
Grading Homework                                                                  (40%)
Test (project report & presentation)                           (50%)
Participation *                                                             (10%)
* in order to receive your full participation points, you are required to answer at least two course-material related questions raised by the instructor or students in class.
Make-Up Test and Exam Policy If you will miss test/presentation, please SEND the instructor AN EMAIL as written notice AT LEAST 12 HOURS IN ADVANCE before the scheduled time. PROOF/DOCUMENT OF EMERGENCY is required to make an appointment for make-up. Students without 12-hour written notice and proof will not be allowed to have make-up exams.
Grade Scale Percentage Grade GRADE GRADE POINT VALUE
90-100      A 4
80-89      B 3
70-79      C 2
50-69      D 1
0-49      F 0
Incomplete grades policy Incomplete grades are not allowed.
Computer Files And Messages Emails:
  All course-related e-mails must have a descriptive subject field with: HUST100.541 LastName, FirstName and a brief description. Do not leave this field blank! Otherwise, the email may be regarded as a spam and deleted.
Note: Failing to abide by these instructions will affect the Response Time Thus your grade! Example: HUST100.541 Smith, John - Question on homework 2    e-mails start with the class number! 
  Computer Files:
  All computer files must be named as follows: HUST100.541_LastName_FirstName_BriefDescription.file type.
  Example: HUST100.541_ Smith_John_HW1.doc
Academic Honesty   Papers and Reports: Think independently and critically! Avoid plagiarism(see definition in the Scholarly Misconduct). Make sure you give appropriate credit to the ideas and materials from other persons. If not sure about misconduct, seek advice of an Honor Advisor.
Exams, quizzes, and individual assignments: Unless stated in writing by the instructor, all exams, quizzes and assignments are individual work. Students are not allowed to "share" flow-charts, drawings, programs/codes, listings, or results, even though you are encouraged to collaborate during the initial problem solving process. Note that for an experienced reviewer it is not difficult to detect "shared" logic! 
Accouterments (book bags, skateboards, computers, calculators, ID’s) ·     Calculators – allowed during tests/exams
·     Tape recorders and audio recording devices – allowed in class, NOT allowed during tests/exams
·     Special tools or programs – allowed in class, NOT allowed during test/exams
·     Cell phones – NOT allowed in class, NOT allowed during tests/exams
Policy about due dates All assignments are usually due before class. No late assignments will be accepted.

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