【06.11 讲座】Nanomaterials and Technologies for Electronic, Ph






主 题:Nanomaterials and Technologies for Electronic, Photonic and MEMS Appilcations

报告人:Ching-Ping Wong(美国工程院院士、中国工程院外籍院士、香港中文大学工学院院长)

主持人:陈明祥  教授

时  间:2015年6月11日(星期四)上午10: 30-11:30

地  点:雷竞技raybet官方平台 先进制造大楼东楼A302



    C P Wong 教授,美国工程院院士(2000),中国工程院外籍院士(2013),香港中文大学工学院院长(2010-),美国佐治亚理工学院材料系董事教授(1995-)、封装研究中心副主任(2000-2010)。先进电子封装材料广东省创新科研团队带头人(2012-),中国集成电路材料产业技术创新战略联盟专家(2014-),IEEE Fellow、Bell Labs Fellow。国际著名电子工程学学者,多次荣获国际电子电器工程师协会、电子封装制造学会、贝尔实验室、美国佐治亚理工学院等颁发的各项奖励,被称为“现代半导体封装之父”。汪教授长期从事电子封装技术与材料研发,包括碳纳米管、石墨烯、纳米复合材料及其应用等。拥有60多项美国专利,发表了1000多篇论文,独自或与他人一起出版了10多本著作。



The advance of modern semiconductor technology is mainly due to the advances of materials, especially polymeric and composite materials. These include the use of polymers and composites as: interlayer dielectrics (for low dielectric constant (k), low loss dielectrics for high speed and low loss signal transmission), encapsulants (for discrete and wafer level packages for Integrated Circuit (IC) devices protection), adhesives (both conductive and non-conductive composites for IC devices and components attachments and electronic system assembly interconnects), embedded passives (both high K capacitors, high Q inductors for high density Printed Wiring Board (PWB) substrates), superhydrophobic self-cleaning lotus effect surfaces, etc. In this presentation, we will review some of the recent advances on nano-materials and nano-technologies that are currently being investigated for these types of applications, such as : lead-free flexible electrically conductive adhesives (ECAs) with flexible/stretchable properties, self assembly monolayer molecular wires for fine pitch and high current density electronic interconnects, flip chip and wafer level underfills for high performance system reliability, nano lead-free alloys for low temperature interconnects, well-aligned carbon nanotubes and graphenes for high current and high Thermal Interface Materials (TIMs), superhydrophobic self-clean lotus leave surface coatings and nano Metal Assisted Chemical Etching (MaCE) for Micro Electrical Mechanical System(MEMS) and high efficiency solar cell applications.

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