【06.27 讲座】Tactile Sensor and Modelling for Gentle Touch


题  目:Tactile Sensor and Modelling for Gentle Touch

报告人:Zhang Yilei (Nanyang Technological University)

主持人:尹周平 教授

时  间:2015年6月27日上午9:30-11:00

地  点:先进制造大楼东楼B214



Touch perception is an important function of animal skins in order to interact with the external environment. Engineering applications, such as the robotic handling operation, the micro invasive surgery,etc,.heavily depend on the touch perception capability.Even though great efforts have been spent on the development of various tactile sensors for touch detection, gentle touch perception is not well developed. In this work, we mimicked both the structure and function of the skin suitable for gentle touch perception. Particulary, FA-1 mechanoreceptors, which detect gentle touch in the skin, are mimicked using PVDF base sensors; the generated electrical  signals under sinusoidal stimuli are converted to spike trains using a spiking neuron model; the generated spike trains are compared with the spike trains measured directly from the glabrous skin of macaque monkeys. Spike features of the FA-1 mechanoreceptors, such as the variability, frequency dependent responses, and population activity, were also explored, which may play vital role in the understanding of the functionality of FA-1 mechanoreceptors for engineering applications, such as the advanced prosthetic limbs, surface texture detection, etc.





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